Asylum interview & lawsuit hearing assistance
We prepare refugees for the interview at the BAMF or for the hearing of an appeal against a negative asylum decision at the administrative court

Asylum seekers in Germany often have too little information about the course of their asylum procedure. They often do not know what to focus on during the interview at the BAMF and – in the case of an appeal – in the hearing at an administrative court, to ensure that their individual situation is perceived and taken into account.
Asylum interview assistance at BAMF
The ArrivalAid interview assistance qualifies volunteers to prepare refugees intensively and individually for the interview at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). If necessary, a translator is involved. Upon request, volunteers can also accompany to the interview appointment.
Lawsuit hearing assistance
At the ArrivalAid lawsuit assistance, we qualify volunteers substantively and practically on the most important steps after the rejection of asylum applications and the subsequent process of appeal. The offer of the lawsuit assistance includes an individual conversation, in which the individual steps of the lawsuit process are explained to the asylum seeker in general. We go back to the reasons for asylum, based on the protocol of the interview and the rejection of the BAMF.
The main goal is to prepare for the hearing in the lawsuit – we cannot give legal advice.
Resources for autonomous preparation
Unfortunately, we are not always able to find a volunteer in time, especially in case of last-minute requests.
Here you can find important information & links for autonomous preparation.
- Video: Asylum procedure in Germany (Ed.: Bayerischer & Münchner Flüchtlingsrat)
- Guidelines for the hearing at BAMF of the Refugee Law Clinic Munich
- Fact sheet on the Dublin interview in the asylum procedure – GERMAN (RA Stahmann)
- Fact sheet on the interview in the asylum procedure – GERMAN (RA Hofmann)
- Information on the interveiw in the asylum procedure (Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration e.V.) (select link there for in Abanian, Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Croatian/Serbian, English, French, German, Kurdish, Persian, Russian, Turkish)
- Brochure on basics in the asylum procedure – GERMAN (Der Paritätische Gesamtverband)
- Video about the hearing in the asylum procedure (Kölner Flüchtlingsrat e.V.)
(select in the first row left on the page: in German, English, French, Pashto, Sorani, Urdu, Albanian, Arabic, Kurmanji, Macedonian, Tirginian, Bosnian, Farsi, Serbian, Russian, Dari, Turkish, Somali) - Video about the asylum interview situation at the BAMF branch office in Munich „Herr Werner entscheidet über Asylanträge: Asylbewerber und ihre Geschichten“ – GERMAN (SpiegelTV)
- Standard (introductory) questions of the BAMF
- Information sheet revocation procedure (Münchner Flüchtlingsrat)
- Brochure on dealing with decisions in case of partial or complete rejection and information on legal action – GERMAN (Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen)
- Information material of the Bavarian Refugee Council
- Registration for free initial counselling on asylum law and contact information for lawyers: Rechtshilfe München e.V.
Counselling services in the countries Afghanistan, Albania, Gambia, Ghana, Iraq, Kosovo, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Serbia and Tunisia can be found at:
Our program does not provide legal advice, but rather accompaniment and assistance in the asylum process. If necessary, we arrange for legal advice from counseling centers and experienced lawyers.
Do you want to volunteer?
We are looking forward to it! These are the skills you should possess:
- Open and communicative nature in dealing with people from different cultures.
- Time and motivation for a commitment of about 4 hours per month for about 1 year.
- Advanced German language skills.
Contact persons

David Offenwanger

Amelie Bromm