Unser Programm CommunicAid bietet Menschen mit Flucht- und Migrationsgeschichte die Möglichkeit, ihre Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern und Selbstvertrauen aufzubauen. Durch das niederschwellige Deutschkursangebot hat man die Möglichkeit Kontakte zu knüpfen und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe zu erleben.

Sozialrefereat LH München

Unser Angebot


  • Level A1 und A2
  • für jedes Level drei Kurseinheiten pro Woche 
  • Ausstellung von Teilnahmebestätigungen


  • drei Kurseinheiten pro Woche
  • Ausstellung von Teilnahmebestätigungen

Ehrenamtliches Engagement

Du willst dich ehrenamtlich engagieren und im A2 Deutschkurs unterrichten?

Das solltest du mitbringen:

  • Freude am Unterrichten und am Umgang mit Menschen aus verschiedenen Kulturen
  • Zeit und Motivation für ein Engagement
  • Geduld, Empathie und Kommunikationsstärke
  • Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse (mindestens auf C1-Niveau)


So kannst du CommunicAid ehrenamtlich unterstützen

  • Fülle das Anmeldeformular aus, indem du unten auf dieser Seite auf „Jetzt bewerben“ klickst. 
  • Nach Erhalt deiner Bewerbung vereinbaren wir mit dir ein Telefonat, um dich näher kennenzulernen.
  • Danach laden wir dich zur passenden Einstiegsschulung ein.
  • Einstiegsschulung 
  • Hauptamtliche Ansprechperson
  • Supervisionsangebot
  • Austausch mit anderen Ehrenamtlichen
  • Ehrenamtsbescheinigung


E-Mail: sprachkurs@arrivalaid.org

Telefon: +49 157 3570 5161

Luna hat lange schwarze Haare und trägt ein schwarzes T-Shirt. Sie steht vor einer beigefarbenen Wand und schaut lächelnd in die Kamera.

Luna Faraj

Onboarding - Mitmachen

Wie möchtest Du mitmachen?

Bei welchen Themen möchtest Du mitmachen?

Du kannst auch mehrere Antworten auswählen.

Bei welchen Themen könntest Du ArrivalAid fördern?

Du kannst auch mehrere Antworten auswählen.

Was könnte Dein Unternehmen für/mit ArrivalAid tun?

Du kannst auch mehrere Antworten auswählen.

Du kannst uns helfen!

Wir haben Aufgaben, die gut zur Dir passen könnten. Schau Dir die Vorschläge an und melde Dich bei uns an, wenn Du Geflüchtete unterstützen willst.

Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.

Du kannst unsere Arbeit fördern!

Wir haben Möglichkeiten, die zu Dir passen könnten. Schau Dir die Vorschläge an und melde Dich bei uns, wenn Du die Arbeit von ArrivalAid fördern willst.

Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.

Wir können gemeinsam wirken!

Dein Unternehmen und ArrivalAid könnten zusammen wirken. Schau Dir die Vorschläge an und melde Dich bei uns, wenn Du konkretes Interesse hast.

Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Onboarding - Angebot nutzen

Deine Situation?

Wo brauchst Du unsere Hilfe?

Du kannst auch mehrere Antworten auswählen.

Wo brauchst Du unsere Hilfe?

Du kannst auch mehrere Antworten auswählen.

Wo braucht Dein Unternehmen unsere Hilfe?

Du kannst auch mehrere Antworten auswählen.

Wir helfen dir!

Schau dir unsere Angebote an und melde dich bei uns.

Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.

Wir helfen dir!

Schau dir unsere Angebote an und melde dich bei uns.

Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.

Wir unterstützen!

ArrivalAid hat Angebote für mehr Diversität in Unternehmen. Schau dir die Vorschläge an und melde dich bei uns, wenn du konkretes Interesse hast.

Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.
Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the Only admnistrator owned posts can execute the [includeme] shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators. shortcode. This message is shown only to administrators.