

Who are the people behind the ArrivalAid organization?

Ultimately, what defines an organization is the people behind it. Meet the ArrivalAid team and find out what motivates us all to work for and with people with a refugee and migration history.




Psychological specialist trauma help

Alena Schäberle studied business psychology and trained as a psychological consultant. She worked in (corporate and human resources) consulting and as head of the human resources department of a start-up. She got to know ArrivalAid during an internship and found her way back a few years later. She has been supporting the Trauma Help program as a psychological specialist since August 2023.




Amelie Bromm is studying law and got to know ArrivalAid through an internship in 2023 and now coordinates the program branch of Anhörung and Klagebegleitung at the interface with the volunteers. During her studies, she volunteered and worked as a student legal advisor for people with a history of flight and migration.  


Anne Charlotte

Project coordination

Anne-Charlotte Haas studied political science in Lille (France) and in Münster. Since her first volunteer experience in Calais, the topic of integration has been very close to her heart. In France, she accompanied asylum seekers through their asylum procedure and daily administrative, social and health measures. She has been working at ArrivalAid as a project coordinator since December 2022.


Project coordination
Jobs & Careers

Anne Heuser studied business administration at RWTH Aachen and has been working at ArrivalAid in Stuttgart since 2019. It supports the Stuttgart location primarily in the area of ​​jobs and careers. She also advises refugees on any questions regarding integration and residence options.

David J.


David J. Offenwanger has a background in philosophy and law. In addition to activities in the foundation and communications sector, he was, among other things, chairman of the board of sneep - ethics & economis and the YoungProfessionals network for several years. With his commitment he would like to actively contribute to the protection of human rights.

Gerhard has a brown-gray beard and a checked shirt. He stands in the sun in front of a big city.


Project management
Jobs & Careers

Gerhard Grunick studied special education and worked on a variety of projects to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. After further training as a business coach and trainer, he worked in the education sector as a seminar leader and job coach, working primarily with migrants and refugees. He has been strengthening the team at ArrivalAid since August 2021.


room maintenance

Islem Trabelsi grew up in Tunisia and lived for many years in Italy, where he worked in various areas. In 2020, Islem moved to Munich with his two children. He has been working at ArrivalAid since December 2021.

Janna Beier

Lecturer for Digital

Janna Beier studied American and German studies at the LMU Munich. After many years in IT, she started her first voluntary work at ArrivalAid in 2021. She is currently undergoing further training to become a business coach & moderator and virtual & live trainer and started working as a lecturer for digital in the AbilityAid program in February 2024.


Project management

Johanna Bueß studied economics in Berlin, Cambridge and Barcelona and later cultural management in Weimar. She worked as a project manager in the book and internet industry for over ten years. Since becoming the mother of a child with a disability, the topic of inclusion has been particularly close to her heart. She has been working for the AbilityAid program since April 2022.


Project coordination AbilityAid & external communication

Katharina Stoib studied geography and sociology at LMU. She primarily dealt with the topics of accessibility and inclusion. She is currently undergoing further training to become an inclusion specialist and Katharina has been coordinating the AbilityAid program since November 2021.  

Lisi Marie

Lecturer for
German practice

Lisi Marie Falten is currently doing her master's degree in German as a foreign language (DaF) and works as a research assistant at the Institute of Sociology. She also gives a German course for beginners in refugee accommodation. Lisi has been a lecturer at AbilityAid since April 2023 and leads the A2 German practice course and the B1/B2 conversation group.



Luna Faraj is studying a double bachelor's degree in political science and law in Munich. During her studies she focused on international relations and international law. From March to June 2024, she supported the team as an intern in the area of ​​project management. Since July 2024, she has been the project manager in the ActivAid program and coordinates the TranslAid program.


Project coordination
Jobs & Careers

Magdalena Klee studied social work, social management and social policy in Innsbruck. Her focus during her studies was on the topic of flight and migration. To date, she has worked primarily in inpatient child and youth welfare for underage refugees as well as in human resources at larger companies. She has been working in the Jobs and Careers program since July 2022.



Margaux Metze studied culture and media practice and worked in the cultural sector and in the education sector. After working with refugees in the area of ​​labor market integration in the Ruhr area, she found her way to Munich in 2017. She has been working at ArrivalAid since June 2018


Senior Finance

Markus Hildebrandt studied business administration and worked for over 20 years in very different companies and industries, from startups to corporations. With his experience in finance, controlling and analysis, he has been supporting ArrivalAid since December 2022.


Stuttgart site management

Martin studied media science and communication research and has been looking after our location in Stuttgart since 2017. Before that, he worked in the IT industry for 18 years and was active as an independent consultant and project manager.

Al Berjawi

Project assistance

Nourhan studied International Relations in Lebanon and has seven years of experience as an account executive specializing in the intellectual property sector. Since August 2024 she has been working at ArrivalAid Stuttgart as part of the DigitalAid program. Due to her own migration background, she would like to support people with a migration background in taking full advantage of the opportunities that Germany has to offer.

Samh Yousef, 34 years old, looking head-on into the camera and smiling. He has dark, short hair and a beard and wears a white shirt and a blue blazer.


in German practice

Samh Yousef studied German as a foreign language as well as language, literature and culture at the LMU. He has been working at ArrivalAid as a German teacher since September 2022 and is using his experience in the AbilityAid program. He has led many cultural projects, including the “Land of Cultures” project.  


Project management intern

Shiying studies literature and media at the University of Bamberg. She has been supporting the Arrivalaid team as an intern since August 2024. Through her studies and her practical experience at Arrivalaid she would like to gain a deep understanding of the challenges and needs of refugees while at the same time further developing her professional skills in the areas of project management and communication.


Trauma Aid and TranslAid

Sowaiba Formuli studied law in Afghanistan. Since she has a refugee background herself, she is committed to helping people with a refugee background and has been supporting Trauma Help as a project assistant since July 2023. Since May 2024 she has also been working as a project coordinator in the TranslAid program.  


psychological specialist trauma help

Tobias studied psychology with a focus on health and stress. He then came to ArrivalAid , where he has been leading trauma help on a psychological level since the beginning of 2021.



Vanessa Müller studied peace and conflict research in Frankfurt and Darmstadt and has been supporting our ArrivalAid Stuttgart location part-time since 2024 with everything that needs to happen - be it Anhörungsbegleitung or in everyday office life. She also advocates for a world in which the economy serves the well-being of people and respects ecological limits.

Xinran Li with dark long hair wears a gray and white striped scarf and a black winter jacket. She stands in front of a yellow wall and smiles slightly into the camera.

Xin Ran


Xinran Li completed her master's degree in sociology. She was primarily concerned with post-socialist migration studies. As a project assistant at AbilityAid she would like to make direct contacts in the area of ​​refugee work and support people in building a new life in unknown places.

Question mark


Apply now!

The ArrivalAid team is constantly growing and changing. Could you imagine enriching our team with your knowledge and experience? Apply to us


Since 2019, the dog Elsa and her sister Wilma have been keeping the ArrivalAid office busy. Whether playing or cuddling, Elsa ensures a lot of fun in the office.  


Since 2019, dog Wilma and her sister Elsa have been keeping the ArrivalAid office busy. Whether playing or cuddling, Wilma ensures a lot of fun in the office.  

Onboarding - get involved

How would you like to get involved?

What topics would you like to get involved in?

You can also select multiple answers.

What topics could you support ArrivalAid on?

You can also select multiple answers.

What could your company do for/with ArrivalAid ?

You can also select multiple answers.

You can help us!

We have tasks that might suit you well. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you want to support refugees.

Become Anhörung companion

Help asylum seekers to be able to tell their escape story - the basis for a fair asylum procedure.


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Do you speak more than 2 languages ​​at level B2? Become a language mediator and help with appointments at the doctor or in the office.



Become an integration companion

Support refugees now! Find the right mentoring program depending on your time and personal interests: work, training, digital or everyday life, and much more


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Become a trauma helper

Help after severe trauma – through education and physical exercises.


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Become a job mentor

Do you have experience with applications? Coach refugees and improve their chances on the job market!


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Become a learning mentor

Support a refugee in successfully completing their training!


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Become a digital coach

Together digitally through everyday life – take part in 1:1 coaching on digital basics!


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Become an inclusion companion

For example, support with practicing German, finding an inclusive kindergarten, finding specialists or other everyday challenges.


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Give computer courses

Lead computer courses (Word, Excel, Internet, smartphone) for people with and without disabilities.


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Give sports courses

Bring your passion for sports into volunteer work by leading a sports group.


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You can support our work!

We have options that might suit you. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you want to support the work of ArrivalAid .

promote awareness

Tell your community about ArrivalAid and help even more people benefit from our support!

On Facebook

On Insta

make contact

Contact us - we'll talk about how you can support ArrivalAid 's work!


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Help us so that we can continue to make our programs available to refugees free of charge!


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We can work together!

Your company and ArrivalAid could work together. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you have specific interest.

promote awareness

Tell your community about ArrivalAid and help even more people benefit from our support!

On Facebook

On Insta

Become a CSR partner

Sustainable engagement opportunities for your employees – become a CSR partner now!


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Hire refugees

We are looking for companies that give refugees the chance to gain a foothold in the local job market - offer jobs and training positions now!


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Help us so that we can continue to make our programs available to refugees free of charge!


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make contact

Contact us - we'll talk about how you can support ArrivalAid 's work!


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Onboarding - take advantage of the offer

Your situation?

Where do you need our help?

You can also select multiple answers.

Where do you need our help?

You can also select multiple answers.

Where does your company need our help?

You can also select multiple answers.

We help you!

Check out our offers and get in touch with us.

Help in the asylum procedure ( Anhörung /complaint)

We will prepare the Anhörung before the BAMF or the legal action before the administrative court with you!


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Translation / interpreter

Here you can get translators and interpreters. For example for appointments with the doctor or at the office.


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Trauma first aid

Here you can get help if you have experienced or seen bad things. We'll show you what you can do if you're afraid and stressed.


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German practice courses

Free German courses for people with and without disabilities. Courses from A1 - B1/B2


Newspaper in simple German

The ArrivalNews is a newspaper in simple German - news and exciting topics for everyone who is learning German!

Current issue

Get digitally fit

Your digital coach will help you get better at using digital devices: computer, internet, writing, saving documents...


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PC courses for people with and without disabilities

Computer courses for people with and without disabilities or chronic illnesses.


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Advice for people with disabilities

Advice and German courses for people with and without disabilities or chronic illnesses.


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Take advantage of sports and leisure activities

Our free sports and leisure activities are organized via the WhatsApp community.

WhatsApp community

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We help you!

Check out our offers and get in touch with us.

Help in the asylum procedure ( Anhörung /complaint)

We will prepare the Anhörung before the BAMF or the legal action before the administrative court with you!


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Translation / interpreter

Here you can get translators and interpreters. For example for appointments with the doctor or at the office.


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Trauma first aid

Here you can get help if you have experienced or seen bad things. We'll show you what you can do if you're afraid and stressed.


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German practice courses

Free German courses for people with and without disabilities. Courses from A1 - B1/B2


Newspaper in simple German

The ArrivalNews is a newspaper in simple German - news and exciting topics for everyone who is learning German!

Current issue

Get digitally fit

Your digital coach will help you get better at using digital devices: computer, internet, writing, saving documents...


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Advice for people with disabilities

Advice and German courses for people with and without disabilities or chronic illnesses.


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We support!

ArrivalAid has offers for more diversity in companies. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you have specific interest.

Find employees & trainees

We will provide you with suitable and motivated applicants for your open positions – free of charge!


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Support your trainees

Volunteer learning mentors, advanced courses in core subjects and help with official issues – we accompany your trainees to successful completion!


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Further training on the subject of escape and asylum

Successfully integrate refugee employees – we help with training, workshops and years of expertise!


Become a CSR partner

Sustainable engagement opportunities for your employees – become a CSR partner now!


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