AbilityAid - courses
Computer courses and German practice courses
Course offerings
All courses are available to people with a refugee history, with and without disabilities.
Computer courses
- Word
- Excel
- Internet
- PowerPoint
German practice courses
- A1/A1.2 – Exercise
- A2 – Exercise
- B1/B2 – Conversation group
Current course program
Registration for the courses is done using the red button. We'll get in touch.
If you need help registering or have other questions, write to us!
German practice courses
Practice course German A1
Dates: every Friday, once a week
OR every Thursday once a week
Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m
Location: Dachauer Straße 21a, 80335 Munich
Practice course German A2
Dates: every Monday, once a week
Entry: possible at any time, by arrangement
Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m
Location: Dachauer Straße 21a, 80335 Munich
Conversation group German B1-B2
Dates : every Tuesday, once a week
Entry: possible at any time, by arrangement
Time : 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m
Location : Dachauer Straße 21a, 80335 Munich
Computer courses
Computer basics course
In the course you can learn the basics about computers . Every Wednesday, entry by arrangement. The course is free .
Date: once a week, Wednesday
Time : 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Location : Dachauer Straße 21a
Microsoft Word course
Date: Are you interested in a Powerpoint course? Then simply register and we will contact you when the next date is set.
Location: Dachauer Straße 21a, 80335 Munich
Microsoft Powerpoint course
Date: Are you interested in a Powerpoint course? Then simply register and we will contact you when the next date is set.
Location: Dachauer Straße 21a, 80335 Munich
Microsoft Office Excel course
Date: Are you interested in an Excel course? Then simply register and we will contact you when the next date is set.
Location: Dachauer Straße 21a, 80335 Munich
Directions and course rooms
ArrivalAid, Dachauer Straße 21A, 80335 Munich
The course rooms are in the 2nd courtyard - rear building - ground floor.
The next tram station is called Karlstraße. The nearest subway, S-Bahn and bus station is Munich Central Station.
You can take the train (U, S, tram, bus) to Munich main station and from there walk to Dachauer Straße. Coming from the direction of the main train station, the entrance is on the left, just before the IBIS Hotel (red sign). There is also an ArrivalAidsign in the first courtyard. Then you come to the second backyard. Our office is there on the left. The bell says ArrivalAid. Our office is on the ground floor and without stairs.
You can take the train (U, S, tram, bus) to Munich main station and from there walk to Dachauer Straße. Coming from the direction of the main train station, the entrance is on the left, just before the IBIS Hotel (red sign). There is also an ArrivalAidsign in the first courtyard. Then you come to the second backyard. Our office is there on the left. The bell says ArrivalAid. Our office is on the ground floor and without stairs.
If you need assistance getting to us, we are available +49 89 5999 88 23 or by email at arrivalaid .
The Catholic Men's Welfare Association Munich eV also offers a free bus and train escort service:
Site plan

Contact person

Katharina Stoib
Project coordination
Email arrivalaid katharina.stoib@arrivalaid.org
Mobile/Whatsapp: +49 179 4284264