
Our AbilityAid program received a recognition award from the Upper Bavaria district. Under the motto "Barrier-free - together we find ways" projects are honored that promote inclusive cooperation and enable encounters at eye level.

Our CommunicAid program offers people with a refugee and migration history the opportunity to improve their language skills and build self-confidence. The low-threshold German courses offer you the opportunity to make contacts and experience social participation.

Our ActivAid program offers people with a refugee and migration background the opportunity to do sports in a group. In doing so, we create a platform for community activities and integration. Since many people suffer from loneliness, we would like to counteract this and invite you to become active together.

The project “My.Your.Ours. Voice” is a cooperation project with Handicap International. It is aimed at refugees and migrants with a disability or chronic illness and their relatives. The aim of the project is to support and accompany these people in setting up self-advocacy groups.

The volunteer platform GoVolunteer has awarded us the Seal of Excellence for Commitment 2023!
The seal stands, among other things, for special quality in the personal support of volunteers, for clear impact goals and great appreciation and team culture.

Trauma Help starts and supports people after trauma or acute stress using scientific methods. Together with volunteers, we offer interventions and stabilization to enable life after the trauma

The AbilityAid program is aimed at refugees and migrants with a disability or chronic illness. The aim of AbilityAid is to support people in developing computer skills, language skills and finding a job. ArrivalAid is moving into a second Munich office on Dachauerstrasse.

ArrivalAid develops the Akademie Pro – the training series for professionals. The Akademie Pro is a paid training program for full-time employees.

The ArrivalAid app is launched. This app is currently used to arrange TranslAid 's interpreting assignments. Volunteer language mediators can easily take on requests and manage their assignments using the app.

ArrivalAid offers people with a refugee and migration history another information medium, the podcast “ArrivalNews Weekly Update”. The perfect channel for anyone who simply wants to better understand social, political and cultural news.

During the Corona pandemic, it has become more difficult for refugees and migrants to maintain and establish new social contacts and to improve their German skills. The online conversation group now offers courses twice a week for people who want to practice their German skills using the ArrivalNews newspaper and exchange ideas with other people.

Digital skills are highly relevant for active social participation. The DigitalAid program aims to support people with a refugee and migration history with digital challenges and to make them digitally fit.

Flight and migration often place people in unbearable, traumatizing situations with significant consequences for their mental health. The FAITH concept offers a simple and multipliable tool for first aid after trauma and under stress.

Living space for everyone – integration needs a home is a project by Evang.-Luth. Regional Church in Bavaria and the Diakonisches Werk Bayern. ArrivalAid provides project consulting and project management and thus offers people with a migration and refugee history help in finding accommodation.

TranslAid is nominated for the federal selection of the startsocial 2018/19 competition and recognized as one of the 25 projects in the federal selection. The team takes part in the award ceremony in Berlin, where Chancellor Angela Merkel personally donates the prize.

The government of Upper Bavaria awards ArrivalAid the integration prize in the education category for the ArrivalNews newspaper.

People with a history of flight and migration often encounter numerous challenges and difficulties during their training The aim of EducAid is to stabilize clients of the Jobs & Careers program in their training and to make learning content more accessible to them.

The labor market program of the StayWelcome eV association will be transferred to ArrivalAid in 2018. This results in the Jobs & Careers program, which focuses on job placement and labor market integration of refugees.

ArrivalAid launched the ArrivalNews newspaper to offer people learning German an information medium in simple language and to meet this need for social participation.

Due to a lack of knowledge of German, many refugees have problems understanding and communicating in their everyday lives. ArrivalAid addresses this problem with the “TranslAid” program, in which volunteer language agents are coordinated and managed from a single point of contact.

IntegrAid is a personnel development program for employees with and without a refugee background that was developed specifically for companies. The aim of the program is to achieve smooth cooperation and mutual acceptance between employees and refugees through training and mentoring.

Refugees who file lawsuits receive a negative decision after the Anhörung at the BAMF and need support. We guarantee this through our Klagebegleitungprogram.

After the Anhörung , refugees have further questions: How do I find an apartment or a kindergarten place for the little ones? A language course? A job? In integration support, volunteers help refugees to build their lives in Germany step by step.

ArrivalAid is developing an educational medium to offer people with a migration and refugee history as well as full-time and volunteer workers from the sector training opportunities: The ArrivalAid Akademie. The training courses cover a variety of topics and cover, for example, everything from looking for a job to preparing for the Anhörung at the BAMF.
ArrivalAid 's first 30 volunteers are being trained. The volunteers were provided with theoretical technical and legal knowledge for Anhörungsbegleitung . The first preparations of refugees for their Anhörung at the BAMF are taking place.

Anhörungsbegleitung is ArrivalAid's first program. Since the Anhörung is a crucial first point in every refugee's asylum process, the program aims to use volunteers to prepare refugees for their Anhörung .
ArrivalAid is founded. Four friends want to volunteer for refugees in Germany and are developing a concept on how to specifically support refugees. The original idea of ArrivalAid is to train volunteers who can later accompany refugees at the Anhörung at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).