Trauma Support request

You can request native-speaking trauma supporters here

Note on the location

It is not always possible to provide trauma support on site. However, we have the technical possibilities to carry out trauma support online without any problems. If you have any questions or technical problems, we will be happy to help.

The information is necessary for the assignment and the establishment of contact. Personal data of the clients are treated as highly confidential and are anonymized within 6 months after the accompaniment is completed.
This information is necessary for the referral of suitable volunteer trauma first aiders. Please enter other information under Do you have any other questions?
(only numbers, no special characters or spaces!) The mobile phone number is important for contacting the language volunteermediators with the clients if they cannot find each other on site or need to clarify something in advance.
Trauma support is also available in German from B1 German proficiency. We always try to find a person of the respective mother tongue first.
Prerequisites: Room that offers as much privacy as possible acoustically and visually, possibility of a seating circle, enough space to walk around, a friendly, bright room is ideal.
We are often more likely to find suitable volunteers if they do not have to be there in person.
The probability of finding a suitable first aider is unfortunately reduced by this selection.

The agent details are optional, but help us in because we can use several communication channels. If you register yourself and no agent is involved, you can just skip this next section.
(only digits, no special characters or spaces!)

If you provide ArrivalAid with personal data of clients, ArrivalAid will only use it to answer the enquiries or to process an accommodation by a volunteer trauma supporter. The personal data of the clients remain with ArrivalAid . The data is only passed on to third parties or otherwise transferred if this is necessary for the purpose of the interpreting assignment or if the clients have given their prior consent. No data will be passed on to authorities. Clients have the right to revoke their consent at any time with effect for the future. The revocation is to be sent to arrivalaid . The deletion of stored personal data takes place if they revoke their consent to storage, if their knowledge is no longer required to fulfill the purpose pursued with the storage or if their storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons. In the event of revocation, all data will be deleted from the ArrivalAid database as soon as possible. In addition, ArrivalAid will arrange for all those who have received the data from ArrivalAid to also delete the data without delay. Please note that ArrivalAid will not be able to provide any further services to the clients. We hereby confirm that we have informed the clients concerned about the processing of personal data (such as surname, first name, language) and the possibility of revocation, that we have obtained their consent to the processing of personal data and that we handle the data entrusted to us by the clients with care. Furthermore, we undertake not to pass on the contact details of ArrivalAid volunteers to third parties and to contact them only within the framework of the respective assignment and only to discuss details. It is not permitted to store the data or contact them independently of the respective case.

Onboarding - get involved

How would you like to get involved?

What topics would you like to get involved in?

You can also select multiple answers.

What topics could you support ArrivalAid on?

You can also select multiple answers.

What could your company do for/with ArrivalAid ?

You can also select multiple answers.

You can help us!

We have tasks that might suit you well. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you want to support refugees.

Become Anhörung companion

Help asylum seekers to be able to tell their escape story - the basis for a fair asylum procedure.


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Do you speak more than 2 languages ​​at level B2? Become a language mediator and help with appointments at the doctor or in the office.



Become an integration companion

Support refugees now! Find the right mentoring program depending on your time and personal interests: work, training, digital or everyday life, and much more


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Become a trauma helper

Help after severe trauma – through education and physical exercises.


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Become a job mentor

Do you have experience with applications? Coach refugees and improve their chances on the job market!


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Become a learning mentor

Support a refugee in successfully completing their training!


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Become a digital coach

Together digitally through everyday life – take part in 1:1 coaching on digital basics!


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Become an inclusion companion

For example, support with practicing German, finding an inclusive kindergarten, finding specialists or other everyday challenges.


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Give computer courses

Lead computer courses (Word, Excel, Internet, smartphone) for people with and without disabilities.


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Give sports courses

Bring your passion for sports into volunteer work by leading a sports group.


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You can support our work!

We have options that might suit you. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you want to support the work of ArrivalAid .

promote awareness

Tell your community about ArrivalAid and help even more people benefit from our support!

On Facebook

On Insta

make contact

Contact us - we'll talk about how you can support ArrivalAid 's work!


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Help us so that we can continue to make our programs available to refugees free of charge!


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We can work together!

Your company and ArrivalAid could work together. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you have specific interest.

promote awareness

Tell your community about ArrivalAid and help even more people benefit from our support!

On Facebook

On Insta

Become a CSR partner

Sustainable engagement opportunities for your employees – become a CSR partner now!


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Hire refugees

We are looking for companies that give refugees the chance to gain a foothold in the local job market - offer jobs and training positions now!


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Help us so that we can continue to make our programs available to refugees free of charge!


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make contact

Contact us - we'll talk about how you can support ArrivalAid 's work!


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Onboarding - take advantage of the offer

Your situation?

Where do you need our help?

You can also select multiple answers.

Where do you need our help?

You can also select multiple answers.

Where does your company need our help?

You can also select multiple answers.

We help you!

Check out our offers and get in touch with us.

Help in the asylum procedure ( Anhörung /complaint)

We will prepare the Anhörung before the BAMF or the legal action before the administrative court with you!


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Translation / interpreter

Here you can get translators and interpreters. For example for appointments with the doctor or at the office.


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Trauma first aid

Here you can get help if you have experienced or seen bad things. We'll show you what you can do if you're afraid and stressed.


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German practice courses

Free German courses for people with and without disabilities. Courses from A1 - B1/B2


Newspaper in simple German

The ArrivalNews is a newspaper in simple German - news and exciting topics for everyone who is learning German!

Current issue

Get digitally fit

Your digital coach will help you get better at using digital devices: computer, internet, writing, saving documents...


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PC courses for people with and without disabilities

Computer courses for people with and without disabilities or chronic illnesses.


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Advice for people with disabilities

Advice and German courses for people with and without disabilities or chronic illnesses.


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Take advantage of sports and leisure activities

Our free sports and leisure activities are organized via the WhatsApp community.

WhatsApp community

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We help you!

Check out our offers and get in touch with us.

Help in the asylum procedure ( Anhörung /complaint)

We will prepare the Anhörung before the BAMF or the legal action before the administrative court with you!


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Translation / interpreter

Here you can get translators and interpreters. For example for appointments with the doctor or at the office.


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Trauma first aid

Here you can get help if you have experienced or seen bad things. We'll show you what you can do if you're afraid and stressed.


More info

German practice courses

Free German courses for people with and without disabilities. Courses from A1 - B1/B2


Newspaper in simple German

The ArrivalNews is a newspaper in simple German - news and exciting topics for everyone who is learning German!

Current issue

Get digitally fit

Your digital coach will help you get better at using digital devices: computer, internet, writing, saving documents...


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Advice for people with disabilities

Advice and German courses for people with and without disabilities or chronic illnesses.


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We support!

ArrivalAid has offers for more diversity in companies. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you have specific interest.

Find employees & trainees

We will provide you with suitable and motivated applicants for your open positions – free of charge!


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Support your trainees

Volunteer learning mentors, advanced courses in core subjects and help with official issues – we accompany your trainees to successful completion!


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Further training on the subject of escape and asylum

Successfully integrate refugee employees – we help with training, workshops and years of expertise!


Become a CSR partner

Sustainable engagement opportunities for your employees – become a CSR partner now!


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