data protection

It is generally possible to use our website without providing any personal data. As far as personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail addresses) is collected on our pages, this is always done on a voluntary basis.

If you have provided us with personal data in forms on this website, we will only use it to answer your inquiries, to process a Anhörung or Klagebegleitung or to provide other advisory services through ArrivalAid .

We would also like to point out that you should use your personal data sparingly and only provide us with information that is absolutely necessary to be able to help you.

Due to the basic settings of the website provider, it is unfortunately not possible to access this website completely anonymously. Your IP address is always stored via so-called “cookies”. Please note our information on cookies below.

Your data will only be passed on or otherwise transmitted to third parties if this is necessary for the purpose of providing advice and assistance by ArrivalAid and you have given your prior consent.

In addition, your data will be transmitted to third-party IT system providers for administration purposes (cloud servers, website hosting, email servers). These are usually located abroad outside the EU. If your data is transferred to a country that does not have a level of data protection comparable to that of the EU, the appropriate level of data protection is usually ensured through the use of EU standard contractual clauses. A copy of the standard contractual clauses specified by the EU Commission can be found on the Internet at:

We would like to point out that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. when communicating via email) can have security gaps. Unfortunately, complete protection of data from access by third parties is not always possible.

Person responsible for data processing

The person responsible for processing your personal data is:

ArrivalAid non-profit UG (limited liability) (hereinafter referred to as “ ArrivalAid ”)
11 a 80337 Munich

Data Protection Officer

ArrivalAid takes your (personal) rights very seriously. That is why ArrivalAid has appointed an internal data protection officer. You can reach him at the email address:

data arrivalaid

Your rights

Your rights in the area of ​​data protection arise primarily from the European General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter abbreviated as “GDPR”).

You can view the GDPR in all European languages ​​at the following link:

You can also find out more about the GDPR on the EU Commission's special information homepage: data-protection-rules_de

In particular, data protection law gives you the following rights:

You have the right to request confirmation from ArrivalAid as to whether personal data relating to you is being processed; If this is the case, you have the right to information about this personal data and to the information listed in detail in Art. 15 GDPR.

You have the right to immediately request that ArrivalAid correct incorrect personal data concerning you and, if necessary, complete incomplete personal data (Article 16 GDPR).

You have the right to request that ArrivalAid delete personal data concerning you immediately if one of the reasons listed in Article 17 GDPR applies, e.g. B. if the data is no longer needed for the purposes pursued (“right to be forgotten”).

You have the right to request that ArrivalAid restrict processing if one of the conditions listed in Art. 18 GDPR is met, e.g. B. if the data subject has objected to the processing, for the duration of the review by the controller.

You have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you at any time for reasons relating to your particular situation.

ArrivalAid will then no longer process the personal data unless ArrivalAid can demonstrate compelling legitimate reasons for the processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims (Article 21 GDPR ).

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of personal data concerning you violates the GDPR (Article 77 GDPR).

In Bavaria, the responsible data protection authority is the “Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision” (BayLDA). Further information on data protection can be found on the BayLDA website:

To exercise your rights mentioned above, please contact ArrivalAid 's data protection officer by email: arrivalaid

Storage period of your data

In order to comply with your “right to be forgotten” (Article 17 GDPR), we only store your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the respective purpose (e.g. for the duration of your voluntary work at ArrivalAid / for the duration of your care by ArrivalAid / for the duration of the fulfillment of a contract with you) is actually necessary or in order to fulfill legal or regulatory obligations (retention obligations arise in particular from commercial and tax law, especially from §§ 147 AO and 257 HGB).

If the processing of your personal data is based on consent you have given separately, your data will be deleted as quickly as possible if you have withdrawn your consent and there is no other legal basis/retention obligation for the processing.

We store the information from the cookies for a period of 30 days.

Revocation of consent

You have the right to revoke your consent at any time with future effect. The lawfulness of the processing carried out until the successful revocation remains unaffected.

The stored personal data will be deleted immediately as soon as we have received your informal declaration of revocation.

Please send your revocation by email to: arrivalaid


We prefer to accept donations via our service provider “ non-profit corporation” ( We would therefore like to refer to the data protection regulations of the service provider. These can be viewed at the link

The service provider forwards the following personal data from the donor to ArrivalAid :

  • Timing of donations
  • Donation amount in euros
  • First and Last Name
  • Company name if available
  • e-mail
  • Address
  • Donation interval

If you prefer to transfer your donation to us directly, you can find our bank details here. Please contact us if you need a donation receipt, as we do not have any contact details for you if you make a direct transfer. (Up to a donation amount of €200, bank statements are generally accepted by the tax offices as proof.)

We store your data relevant to the donation and any associated documents (e.g. commercial letters, donation receipts, donation confirmations) for at least 10 years in accordance with (tax) legal requirements.


You can register on our website to receive our newsletter. We need your email address for this. The data collected in this context is used to send and receive the newsletter.

They have no other purpose and will not be passed on to third parties. Apart from the information necessary for sending the newsletter, no other data is collected from our site. Since sending and receiving the newsletter depends on your consent, you can revoke this consent to the collection and storage of your data at any time without giving reasons.

To do this, use the “unsubscribe link” provided in the newsletter.

If you enter your email address in the distribution list, this email address will initially be temporarily stored by the list provider (“MailChimp”) based in the USA. MailChimp is certified according to the so-called “Privacy Shield”, which ensures an appropriate level of data protection.

The email address is only stored for the purpose of sending the owner of the email address an email in which he or she can confirm membership in the email list (“double opt-in”) . Once the email address has been confirmed, it will be permanently stored by the list provider until the email address is deleted by the owner of the email address or by ArrivalAid as the list operator.

In order to be able to prove that you have been entered into the list and to be able to defend yourself against any accusation of unsolicited email being sent, the list provider stores the date of entry into the list and the IP address under which the entry was made. We have no influence on the fact that the IP address is stored and we hereby expressly point out that the IP address is stored. Important: The IP address will not be used beyond this.

The following data is also stored at MailChimp:

Date of last profile update

Geolocation and time zone:
MailChimp carries out geolocation based on the email address and uses a “geolocation service provider” to determine information about the IP address (geolocation data and any existing location information). Geolocation is also used to determine time zones. This in turn is used for the simultaneous sending of newsletters at certain times if necessary.

Geolocation is carried out both when subscribing to the newsletter and when opening newsletter emails.
We have no influence on how geolocation is carried out. This function cannot currently be deactivated manually with MailChimp. Language information:

If MailChimp can determine the language you have set from your browser when you subscribe to the newsletter or access links, this will also be saved in your profile. In particular, this function can be used to form segments of subscribers by language. This enables us, for example, to send newsletter emails in English to subscribers who have set English as their default language in their browser. We cannot deactivate this function either.

For further information, please refer to MailChimp's privacy policy and terms of use.


This website ( arrivalaid ) uses cookies.

Cookies are small pieces of text information that are stored as a file on your device via your browser. Cookies do not cause any damage to the user's computer and do not contain any viruses. Cookies enable us to make the Internet offering as user-friendly as possible, as this allows us to identify, for example, which website content is read particularly frequently and which other pages readers use to find our site.

We may also use cookies to create pseudonymous or anonymous usage statistics to optimize these websites. There is no further evaluation based on your exact IP address (location, etc.).

If you do not want cookies to be used, you can prevent the use and setting of cookies by blocking the setting of cookies by this domain ( arrivalaid ) in your browser.

If necessary, please refer to the instructions for your browser to find out how you can set this up in your respective browser:

Instructions for Mozilla “Firefox”:

Instructions for Apple “Safari”:

Instructions for Microsoft “Explorer”:

Instructions for Google “Chrome”:

Server log files

The server log files are anonymized data that are collected when you access our website. This information does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about you personally, but is essential for technical reasons in order to deliver and display our content. They also serve our statistics and the constant optimization of our content. Typical log files are the date and time of access, the amount of data, the browser used for access and its version, the operating system used, the domain name of the provider you commissioned, the page from which you came to our offer (referrer). URL) and your IP address. Log files also enable a precise check if there is suspicion of illegal use of our website.

SSL encryption

Our website uses SSL encryption when it comes to transmitting confidential or personal content from our users. This encryption is activated, for example, when processing payment transactions and for inquiries that you make to us via our website. Please make sure that SSL encryption is activated on your part when carrying out such activities. The use of encryption is easy to recognize: the display in your browser line changes from “http://” to “https://”. Data encrypted via SSL cannot be read by third parties. Only transmit your confidential information if SSL encryption is activated and if in doubt, contact us.

Facebook plugin

You will find plugins from the social network Facebook on our website. Its provider is Facebook Inc. It is based in the USA, California 94025, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park.

The Facebook logo or the “Like” button on our site identify the Facebook plugins so that you can recognize them. Please also note the overview of the Facebook plugins at

When you visit our website, we establish a direct connection to the Facebook server via the plugin. You are then switched there via your browser. For Facebook this is associated with the information that you have visited our website with your IP address. By clicking on the Facebook “Like” button, you link content from our website to your profile on Facebook.

For Facebook, your visit to our site can be assigned to your user account. We have no knowledge of what type of content is transmitted to Facebook or how Facebook uses it. You can find further information on data collection and data use in the Facebook data protection declaration, which you can find at You can prevent your visit to our site from being associated with your Facebook profile by logging out of your Facebook account beforehand.

Instagram plugin

We also integrate functions of the online service Instagram on our website.

The provider of these functions is Instagram Inc. It is based in the USA, CA 94025, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park. The Instagram button allows you to link to your Instagram account when you visit our pages, provided you are logged in to Instagram. Instagram thus receives information about your visit to our website and can assign this visit to your Instagram profile. We have no knowledge of the content of the information transmitted or how it is used by Instagram. You can find further information about data collection and data use by Instagram in the Instagram data protection declaration at

Twitter plugin

We also use functions of the blogging service Twitter on our website.

Twitter is operated by Twitter Inc. The US company is based in the USA, San Francisco, CA 94103, 1355 Market St, Suite 900. The main function of Twitter is the “tweet function”. If you use this via our website, it will be linked to your Twitter account. Data may be exchanged with other users and data may be transferred to Twitter. We do not receive any knowledge of the content of the data sent to Twitter, nor are we informed of its use. Find out more about these questions at There you will find Twitter’s detailed privacy policy. The platform also offers you the opportunity to design your data protection settings yourself via

Onboarding - get involved

How would you like to get involved?

What topics would you like to get involved in?

You can also select multiple answers.

What topics could you support ArrivalAid on?

You can also select multiple answers.

What could your company do for/with ArrivalAid ?

You can also select multiple answers.

You can help us!

We have tasks that might suit you well. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you want to support refugees.

Become Anhörung companion

Help asylum seekers to be able to tell their escape story - the basis for a fair asylum procedure.


More info


Do you speak more than 2 languages ​​at level B2? Become a language mediator and help with appointments at the doctor or in the office.



Become an integration companion

Support refugees now! Find the right mentoring program depending on your time and personal interests: work, training, digital or everyday life, and much more


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Become a trauma helper

Help after severe trauma – through education and physical exercises.


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Become a job mentor

Do you have experience with applications? Coach refugees and improve their chances on the job market!


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Become a learning mentor

Support a refugee in successfully completing their training!


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Become a digital coach

Together digitally through everyday life – take part in 1:1 coaching on digital basics!


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Become an inclusion companion

For example, support with practicing German, finding an inclusive kindergarten, finding specialists or other everyday challenges.


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Give computer courses

Lead computer courses (Word, Excel, Internet, smartphone) for people with and without disabilities.


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Give sports courses

Bring your passion for sports into volunteer work by leading a sports group.


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You can support our work!

We have options that might suit you. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you want to support the work of ArrivalAid .

promote awareness

Tell your community about ArrivalAid and help even more people benefit from our support!

On Facebook

On Insta

make contact

Contact us - we'll talk about how you can support ArrivalAid 's work!


More info


Help us so that we can continue to make our programs available to refugees free of charge!


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We can work together!

Your company and ArrivalAid could work together. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you have specific interest.

promote awareness

Tell your community about ArrivalAid and help even more people benefit from our support!

On Facebook

On Insta

Become a CSR partner

Sustainable engagement opportunities for your employees – become a CSR partner now!


More info

Hire refugees

We are looking for companies that give refugees the chance to gain a foothold in the local job market - offer jobs and training positions now!


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Help us so that we can continue to make our programs available to refugees free of charge!


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make contact

Contact us - we'll talk about how you can support ArrivalAid 's work!


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Onboarding - take advantage of the offer

Your situation?

Where do you need our help?

You can also select multiple answers.

Where do you need our help?

You can also select multiple answers.

Where does your company need our help?

You can also select multiple answers.

We help you!

Check out our offers and get in touch with us.

Help in the asylum procedure ( Anhörung /complaint)

We will prepare the Anhörung before the BAMF or the legal action before the administrative court with you!


More info

Translation / interpreter

Here you can get translators and interpreters. For example for appointments with the doctor or at the office.


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Trauma first aid

Here you can get help if you have experienced or seen bad things. We'll show you what you can do if you're afraid and stressed.


More info

German practice courses

Free German courses for people with and without disabilities. Courses from A1 - B1/B2


Newspaper in simple German

The ArrivalNews is a newspaper in simple German - news and exciting topics for everyone who is learning German!

Current issue

Get digitally fit

Your digital coach will help you get better at using digital devices: computer, internet, writing, saving documents...


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PC courses for people with and without disabilities

Computer courses for people with and without disabilities or chronic illnesses.


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Advice for people with disabilities

Advice and German courses for people with and without disabilities or chronic illnesses.


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Take advantage of sports and leisure activities

Our free sports and leisure activities are organized via the WhatsApp community.

WhatsApp community

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We help you!

Check out our offers and get in touch with us.

Help in the asylum procedure ( Anhörung /complaint)

We will prepare the Anhörung before the BAMF or the legal action before the administrative court with you!


More info

Translation / interpreter

Here you can get translators and interpreters. For example for appointments with the doctor or at the office.


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Trauma first aid

Here you can get help if you have experienced or seen bad things. We'll show you what you can do if you're afraid and stressed.


More info

German practice courses

Free German courses for people with and without disabilities. Courses from A1 - B1/B2


Newspaper in simple German

The ArrivalNews is a newspaper in simple German - news and exciting topics for everyone who is learning German!

Current issue

Get digitally fit

Your digital coach will help you get better at using digital devices: computer, internet, writing, saving documents...


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Advice for people with disabilities

Advice and German courses for people with and without disabilities or chronic illnesses.


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We support!

ArrivalAid has offers for more diversity in companies. Take a look at the suggestions and contact us if you have specific interest.

Find employees & trainees

We will provide you with suitable and motivated applicants for your open positions – free of charge!


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Support your trainees

Volunteer learning mentors, advanced courses in core subjects and help with official issues – we accompany your trainees to successful completion!


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Further training on the subject of escape and asylum

Successfully integrate refugee employees – we help with training, workshops and years of expertise!


Become a CSR partner

Sustainable engagement opportunities for your employees – become a CSR partner now!


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