Anhörung and Klagebegleitung at ArrivalAid
How did you get involved with ArrivalAid ?
I worked with David Prochnow and he told me about the initiative. This made me curious, attended the information evening, took the seminar and quickly found myself in the middle of it.
How long have you been involved with ArrivalAid ?
Since October 2018.
How many hours a month do you commit to ArrivalAid ?
About 3 hours per month.
Why are you involved with ArrivalAid ?
Since I also worked in refugee work in my previous job, but no longer do so, it was important to me to continue to get involved in this area. But above all, it bothers me that refugees are often used as scapegoats in public discourse and I would like to at least make a small statement against this with my commitment.
Which experience do you particularly remember?
It is nice to see that after the consultation the refugees have a clearer idea of what to expect during the Anhörung or court date.
Would you recommend that others get involved with ArrivalAid ?
Absolutely! Aside from the fact that I generally think social engagement is very important, I particularly appreciate one very pragmatic aspect: ArrivalAid takes over the entire organization of the consultation appointments. Because advising a refugee is a one-off appointment, I can easily fit the commitment into my usually very busy schedule. The advice is particularly suitable if you find yourself saying “I would like to get involved, but I don’t have that much time”.
What does your involvement with ArrivalAid bring you on a personal level?
I get to know a lot of exciting people. Both among refugees and among volunteers and full-time employees.